Liturgical Ministries




Click on any of our ministries below to learn

Youth Choir singing for First Communoin Mass on Sunday, May 1, 2022.

Adult Choir – This group leads the music at the 8 am Sunday Liturgies and other special services throughout the year. This choir sings songs in unison, mixed two part, SAB or SATB arrangements. The Adult Choir leads music at liturgies from September through June, and at the Annual Strassenfest Mass in August. The regular rehearsal will be on Thursday evenings 6:30 – 8:00 pm starting in mid-Setpember through mid-June in the church.

  • Adult Funeral Choir – This group sings at funerals at Precious Blood. Adults of all ages are welcome to sing in this choir. The Funeral Choir rehearsal is generally held one half-hour before the funeral begins. Music is generally selected from songs in the Breaking Bread Book. Most funeral liturgies are celebrated between 9:30 am – 12:00 pm.
  • Precious Blood Folk Group – This group sings more upbeat songs. There is a guitarist, pianist, and instrumentalists who sometimes accompany for this choral group. It leads music at special Masses, but not on a regular basis. Rehearsals will be scheduled as needed.
  • Middle/High School Vocal Ensemble –  This vocal ensemble leads music at special Masses. Rehearsals are scheduled as needed. Please contact the parish office if your child is interested in joining this special vocal ensemble.
  • Christmas Children’s Choir – Each Christmas children sing at the Christmas Eve Children’s Mass. In the past the Holy Trinity Youth Choir led the music for this Mass. If you child in intersted in joining this choir, please call the parish office.
  • Cantors – Cantors lead the congregation at all Masses at Precious Blood including the Choir Masses. Cantor training is available should you wish to improve your skills as a cantor. Cantors are schedule in advance for Masses and rehearslas are arranged between accompanists and cantors at mutually convenient times. Ann Nagy and Jane Persohn schedule the cantors based on their availablity.
  • Instrumentalist – If you play an instrument, and are intrested in being a part of the parish Music Ministry, please call the parish office. We are looking for people who play organ, piano, flute, guitar, trumpet, percussion, or other band instruments to play at Masses and Special Services.

Sacristans prepare the sacred vessels, set up the credence and gift table for Mass on the weekend. They oversee that all ministers are present for their particular ministry during the Mass they are assigned. The sacristan ministry also includes cleaning the sacred vessels after Mass, preparing for the next Mass or putting everything in its place after the final weekend Mass. Sacristans volunteer their services on a rotation basis for the Mass they usually attend. Training is available for all new sacristans, who are usually also Eucharistic Ministers.

Please call the parish office if you are interested in becoming a Sacristan.

Men and women are encouraged to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. Youth that have received the Sacrament of Conformation are also welcome to serve as Eucharistic Ministers. Trainings are held throughout the year to instruct persons that are interested in volunteering for this ministry. Ministers assist in the distribution of Communion at all Masses.  Ministers volunteer their services on a rotation basis for the Mass they usually attend.

Please call the office if you are interested in becoming a Extraordinary Minsiter of the Eucharist.

The proclamation of the Word of God is truly a service to the Church. Lectors bring the living Word of God to the liturgical assembly.  The ministry of the Word should, therefore, be treated seriously and with great dignity. All parishioners who feel the call to be a Lector for Mass are welcome to join this ministry. Lector schedules are on a rotation basis for the Mass they usually attend. Please call the office to get more details.

Teams of four volunteers greet and welcome parishioners and visitors before Mass, perform the duties of taking up the collection during Mass and passing out bulletins at the end of Mass. They are sensitive to the needs of our parishioners and visitors who may need their assistance during Mass. Hospitality Ministers are assigned to carry out this ministry during a Mass they usually attend on the weekends and Holy Days of Obligation. Ministers are scheduled on a rotation basis which provides them the opportunity to serve in theis ministry several times throughout the year. Training is provided throughout the year for those wishing to become a Hospitality Minister. Please call the office for more details.

Youth in grades six through high school are welcome to assist as an altar server during Mass. Three – four servers are assigned for Saturday and Sunday Masses while more assist on special occasions. New server training is provided throughout the year. Servers are scheduled at the Mass their family normally attends. Please call the parish office if you have a child that is interested in becoming an Altar Server.

Instructions for Precious Blood Servers 10-7-21