Dear Family,
Fall has definitely arrived. The trees are starting to change color, the air is cooler, and the days are getting shorter. For priests, an important part of fall is our convocation. Every year for a week the priests of the diocese go on retreat together to spend time and pray with each other. It is also a time to rest. We usually travel somewhere. Last year we went to New Harmony, Indiana and had some incredible conferences on the importance of consistent daily prayer in our lives.
Because of Covid, we will not be able to gather together in person. Bishop Siegel has still asked all priests this week to go on retreat. We will gather together at various times virtually. We will also spend time in prayer and resting. He asked us to not schedule any public events just like when we normally leave for convocation. There will be no masses next week at Precious Blood. On Friday morning, I will be at Holy Family for the “All-School” Mass.
Thank you for your patience with the live-streaming. It will always be fixed, as soon as possible when it has troubles. Part of the nature of technology is that it always eventually breaks down or has glitches. Many times, this is beyond our control. It has happened in the past, and it will happen in the future. When technology fails us, it can be frustrating. Yet, like all frustrating moments, they can actually be “God-moments.” What is God trying to teach my soul in this moment, and in this feeling that I have? What is he calling me to “let go” of? What can initially feel like a “bad deal” becomes a gift because our soul has been taught by God through the experience.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr Brian