Precious Blood Parish events. WOMEN’s WELCOME WEEKEND is quickly approaching on February 4 & 5. The 4 Jasper
parishes take turns being responsible for the food donations for the WELCOME
WEEKENDS. Precious Blood Parish is responsible for the WOMEN’s weekend. The
sign-up sheet is in the gathering area. Thank you to the people that already
signed up. There are many many empty spots. Please consider signing up and
being a part of the success of this weekend. The food donations should be
dropped off at St. Mary’s Ireland Kitchen on Friday Feb 3 by 5 pm. Thank you
for your donations and prayers.
The 2022 Year End Contribution letters have been mailed. The letters should be
arriving by Tuesday, January 31. If for some reason it is not in your mail,
please let Barb know at the parish office 812-482-4461.
There are dates for WEEKDAY Mass intentions available. If you are interested in
requesting a Mass intention, please come to the Parish office or call the
office to see if the date you want is available. The price of a Mass is $10.
Have a great weekend.