Upcoming events. Happy New Year!
January 11 – 13, Ed Clark from Diocesan, the publisher of our bulletin, will be
in town making phone calls to local businesses selling ads for the bulletin. If
you are interested in placing an ad in the bulletin, you can call Ed at
614-738-1472 or call the parish office and we can have Ed give you a call. The
bulletin is published weekly at no cost to the parish
The start of EXODUS90 is Monday, January 17. They will be meeting in the
gathering area. If you are interested in joining, there is a sign up sheet in
the gathering area or you can call Larry Kluemper or Kent Reyling for more
Cash Raffle tickets are being sold at this time. Thank you to everyone who have
already purchased a ticket. Please reach out to friends and relatives and help
us sell all 1,000 tickets. There was an order blank in the bulletin this past
weekend. Tickets are available by calling the office 812-482-4461 or Chad
Uebelhor 812-661-0896.
Year end contribution letters will be mailed out by January 31.
Thank you for your continued support of Precious Blood Parish.